Nicole in Colour

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How To Execute Your Creative Ideas in 2021

How To Execute Your Creative Ideas in 2021

Tips & Tools to Help You Stay Focused & Organized in 2021.

Now that 2020 is over, many of us are feeling extra inspired, excited, and full of new ideas to share with the world in 2021. For the first time in awhile, we’re daring to feel hopeful and we’re ready to get the new year started on the right foot.

If you’re anything like me, you have 100 new ideas every week. It can be overwhelming, especially if (also like me) you think of these amazing ideas at very inconvenient times like when you’re about to fall asleep, or while washing your hair in the shower. 

There have been so many times that I’ve thought of something SO GOOD at 11pm curled up in bed, and I’ve told myself, “I’ll totally remember this in the morning”, only to wake up with amnesia and never think about it again.

Here are my favorite ways of following through on my creative ideas, despite my scatterbrain:

  1. WRITE IT DOWN. Somewhere. Anywhere. When a good idea hits, make sure you write that shit down AS SOON AS YOU THINK IT. Grab whatever is around, type it in a note in your phone, yell for your partner and tell them to write it down, just make sure it gets from your brain into text so you can remember it!

  1. BREAK IT DOWN. A good idea is nothing if it can’t be brought to life. There are so many ideas that I had on my to-do list forever, that I never ended up even starting because I didn’t know where to begin. It’s SUPER important to create an outline of ACTIONS from start to finish, to break down a big idea into smaller, doable tasks. What’s the first thing you’ll need to do? Go from there, make a plan, and then DO IT.

  2. GET HELP. There are a million apps and programs that you can use to help you plan your ideas, and stay organized and on schedule. I recently started using a desktop app called Ora to plan out my weeks. I’m a visual person, so it’s really helpful for me to see what’s on my schedule every day. If I don’t have a list, it’s easy for me to get side-tracked and distracted. Using this app was really helpful for me in 2020!

  3. STAY INSPIRED. It’s important to keep that New Year’s energy flowing into your creative ideas. I’ve started plenty of projects, only to get distracted and not follow through. It’s important to stay focused, but also INSPIRED by your ideas. Look at it from all angles. Find new ways to keep it fresh. There is always something different you can try, or add, or learn.

  4. TAKE A BREAK. There are always going to be ups and downs with any new idea or project. If you’re no longer feeling inspired, take a break. Resting is just as important as working. Spend some time outside, talk to your friends or mentors, or do something that brings you pleasure. Resting and practicing self care can be just as, if not more inspiring than the original idea itself.

Looking for more creative tips to get you started in 2021? Follow my hashtag #MondayInColour on Instagram to see all my creative posts! If you want me to cover something, ask me in the comments!